It only takes one bad actor to cause problems for countless reputable companies. We’ve been working hard at Tradefox to help those who do business the right way, call out those who harm our entire industry.
Today, we’re proud to launch Trade Reviews on Tradefox. Review a trade you’ve participated in, and you’ll not only have a direct impact on your trading partner’s reputation, you’ll also help future trade partners know what to expect.
Review honestly
Reviewing trades allows you to recognize and reward your trustworthy trade partners, and be honest when you encounter problems.

Use the Give Feedback button after selecting a trade to leave your review.
We measure several aspects of buyer and seller behavior. You’ll be able to leave feedback on each of them, including Integrity, Claims Handling, Shipping or Payment Process, and Material Quality.
Review confidentially
Want to be honest about your experience, but concerned about straining your trade relationship? Then mark your feedback as Confidential. Your feedback will still be counted in your trading partner’s overall scores behind-the-scenes, but they won’t be able to see your individual feedback.

Check the “Submit confidentially” box when reviewing to hide your feedback from your trade partner.
Toward a safer scrap trade
We may already have trades for your company to review, and feedback waiting for you to read on your profile. Log in or sign up to find out!
Head to your Company Profile to see your trade history, and start reviewing trades.
Together, we’ll make the scrap trade safer and more transparent.
If you don’t see any trades yet, don’t worry – we’re constantly seeking out and adding new data sources, and we’ll notify you when there are trades for you to review.